Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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PU signs MoUs with Marjan Polymer Industries
PU signs MoUs with Marjan Polymer Industries

LAHORE: (Monday, March 03, 2025): Punjab University Institute of Polymer & Textile Engineering (IPTE) has signed agreements with Marjan Polymer Industries, Lahore Pakistan for the establishment of a joint laboratory for coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers & paints (CASEP) technologies. In this regard a signing ceremony of memorandum of understanding was held at PU VC’s office committee room here on Monday. On this occasion, PU VC Prof Dr Muhammad Ali, Director Institute of Polymer and Textile Engineering Dr Shahzad Maqsood Khan, CEO Marjan Polymer Industries Dr Muhammad Abid, Director External Linkages Dr Yaamina Salman and others were present. The MoU will strengthen industry academic linkages, help promote local industry and provide job opportunities for students. Speaking at the event, Dr Muhammad Ali said that development of relations with industries is the top priority of the university. The establishment of laboratory for coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers & paints technologies will create a state-of-the-art facility at the Institute of Polymer and Textile Engineering, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. This laboratory will work to meet industry standards for advance coating technologies and enhance market competitiveness. He said that the MoU will provide better employment opportunities to PU students. Dr Abid said that internship and employment opportunities would be provided to the students of PU.